2024, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A
In vitro mass culture technique of Hexamermis vishwakarma Dhiman
Author(s): Kumkum
Abstract: In order to create a laboratory culture, parasitized larvae were raised in the lab and the Nemas that emerged from the (Leptocoris augur) insect host bug were collected in Petri-dishes with damp sand. The entomophilic nematode Hexamermis vishwakarma Dhiman is considered a potential bio-control agent for the Schleichera oleosa pest Leptocoris augur. Before emerging from the host as fully formed, non-feeding postparasites, the nematodes pass through several nymphal and adult stages of L. augur. Nematodes departing the bug cause host mortality (Leptocoris augur).Before becoming an adult, H. vishwakarma goes through three stages: pre-parasitic, parasitic, and post-parasitic. Only the parasitic juvenile stage of these parasitizes the host bug; the L. augur and remainder stages are not parasitic.The objective of this study was to create a culture media that replicates the environment provided by the host in order to support Hexamermis vishwakarma throughout its parasitic phase in vitro. There is a description of the numerous ways cultures are started. The ability of various substrates to foster the nematodes' growth and development has been assessed, and the most recent In vitro techniques have been described. Five factors, including the choice and upkeep of test species and the culture of nematodes' pre-parasitic juveniles, have been examined in the current work.
DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2024.v5.i1a.127
Pages: 58-67 | Views: 540 | Downloads:
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How to cite this article:
Kumkum. In vitro mass culture technique of Hexamermis vishwakarma Dhiman . Acta Entomol Zool 2024;5(1):58-67. DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2024.v5.i1a.127