2023, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A
Demographic evolution and phylogenetic relationship of three populations of Bactrocera dorsalis from three host plants: Mangifera indica, Citrus reticulata and Anacardium occidental in the Niayes area
Author(s): Ndeye Dethie KEITA, Adiouma Georges Robert Jacques Sarr, Mama Racky Ndiaye, ToffeÌ€ne Diome and MbackeÌ Sembene
Abstract: Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera, Tephritidae) is a very polyphagous quarantined species that causes enormous damage to fruit plants. The objective of this study is to investigate the demographic evolution and the phylogenetic relationship of three populations of Bactrocera dorsalis from three host plants. Methodology and Results: Populations of Bactrocera dorsalis were defined based on host fruits: BdA (Citrus), BdM (Mango) and BdP (Cashew apple) in the Niayes area in Senegal. Each population consists of 15 individuals. The DNA of each individual was extracted and the COI was amplified by the Standard Zymo method (Kit Zymo research) and then sequenced. The results showed that populations from mango and citrus fruits are expanding demographically from a stable ancestral population. However, cashew apple is in moderate demographic expansion; it has undergone a sweep. Gene flow between different populations and isolation of some individuals forming private haplotypes through phylogenetic trees has also been demonstrated.
DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2023.v4.i2a.121
Pages: 56-62 | Views: 428 | Downloads:
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How to cite this article:
Ndeye Dethie KEITA, Adiouma Georges Robert Jacques Sarr, Mama Racky Ndiaye, ToffeÌ€ne Diome, MbackeÌ Sembene. Demographic evolution and phylogenetic relationship of three populations of Bactrocera dorsalis from three host plants: Mangifera indica, Citrus reticulata and Anacardium occidental in the Niayes area. Acta Entomol Zool 2023;4(2):56-62. DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2023.v4.i2a.121