2023, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A
Effect of giloy on the commercial parameters of the Bombyx mori
Author(s): Kumari Swarnlata and SM Mahboob Hassan
Abstract: Mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori is highly domesticated & economically important insect which is primary producer of “Queen of Textile", Silk. The dietary nutritional management influences the rearing, growth, development, population & also commercial parameters of silkworm. In this work when B.mori were fed with mulberry leaves fortified with aqueous extracts of giloy. In second instar, a positive response with respect to larval growth, development & commercial parameters was noticed. Highest larval weight in instars viz third, fourth while in fifth instar, at the beginning of the instar, in middle and at the time of moulting was noticed at T3 i.e., at 3% concentration of giloy extract. The post cocoon characters increased with increase in concentrations. Further results showed that the maximum EER%, total weight of 50 cocoons, average weight of cocoon, average pupal weight, and average shell weight was noticed at 3% extract of giloy concentration. The possible significance of these results is being discussed. The overall performance of Bombyx mori in response to the treatment of different concentration of giloy extracts showed an improvement in growth, development with increasing weight as well as increasing population and also increase in commercial parameters which increases the economic value.
DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2023.v4.i1a.97
Pages: 55-58 | Views: 942 | Downloads: 460
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How to cite this article:
Kumari Swarnlata, SM Mahboob Hassan. Effect of giloy on the commercial parameters of the Bombyx mori. Acta Entomol Zool 2023;4(1):55-58. DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2023.v4.i1a.97