Acta Entomology and Zoology
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2708-0013, E-ISSN: 2708-0021

2022, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A

Spider species feeding on Cimbex quadrimaculata (Müller, 1766) (Hymenoptera: Cimbicidae)

Author(s): İnanç Özgen, Tarık Danışman and Gözde Baydoğan

Abstract: The study was conducted in almond orchards contaminated with Cimbex quadrimaculata (Müller, 1766) (Hymenoptera: Cimbicidae) in Diyarbakır and Elazığ provinces between 2019-2021. Predatory spider species that feed on C. quadrimaculata, an important pest of almond trees, were determined. Spider species that feed on different biological stages of the pest were collected with the help of beating umbrella, pooter and fine-tipped tweezers, brought to the laboratory and taken into 70% ethanol. Among these species, Araneus marmoreus Clerck, 1757, Clubiona genevensis L. Koch, 1866, Cheiracanthium mildei L.Koch,1864, Euophrys sp., Heliophanus flavipes (Hahn, 1832), Linyphia hortensis Sundevall, 1830 and Philodromus longipalpis Simon, 1870 fed on the larvae of the pest in almond canopy. The results of the study are the first findings that these species feed on species belonging to the order Hymenoptera (non-formicid).

DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2022.v3.i1a.47

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Acta Entomology and Zoology
How to cite this article:
İnanç Özgen, Tarık Danışman, Gözde Baydoğan. Spider species feeding on Cimbex quadrimaculata (Müller, 1766) (Hymenoptera: Cimbicidae). Acta Entomol Zool 2022;3(1):01-03. DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2022.v3.i1a.47

Acta Entomology and Zoology
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