2021, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A
Screening and identification of brown planthopper resistance in F1 progenies of selected rice accessions
Author(s): Hitendra Kumar and SN Tiwari
Abstract: Seven rice entries Viz. IR 36892-163-1-2-2-1, IR 43449-4-3-43-3, IR 5947-247-2-1, IR 59552-63-3-2-3, Aruna (MO.8), IR 71033-62-15, REMYA (MO.10) which showed resistant reaction to BPH in previous glasshouse & field screening tests were used in the study. For crossing purpose one susceptible Basmati variety Pusa-1 was also selected as one of the parent. All the resistant entries were taken as mother or female parent, while Pusa-1 served as father or male parent in the present breeding programme. The seed bed screening method was adopted for the evaluation of F1 progenies for brown plant hopper resistance under glass house conditions. F1 progenies of all the seven crosses of rice entries were at par in their resistance reaction against BPH with their resistant female parents under glass house conditions, while F1 progenies of REMYA (MO. 10) × Pusa Basmati 1 and IR 59552-63-2-3 × Pusa Basmati 1 were superior over other progenies in their resistance to brown planthopper.
DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2021.v2.i2a.43
Pages: 48-50 | Views: 1189 | Downloads: 533
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How to cite this article:
Hitendra Kumar, SN Tiwari. Screening and identification of brown planthopper resistance in F1 progenies of selected rice accessions. Acta Entomol Zool 2021;2(2):48-50. DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2021.v2.i2a.43