Acta Entomology and Zoology
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2708-0013, E-ISSN: 2708-0021

2020, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A

Abundance and Phylogeny of lepidopteran species in and around Karamadai area Coimbatore district Tamil Nadu South India

Author(s): Agnes Deepa A, Gunasekaran C and G Shobana

Abstract: Lepidoptera are a diverse and charismatic group of insects that have received significant taxonomic and systematic attention. Lepidoptera are members of natural shrub-grassland communities. The documented butterflies were belonging to the family Papilionidae, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Hesperiidae during the study period May 2018 to April 2019 by using transect counting method in Karamadai area. Totally 2,280 individuals belonging to 43 species of butterflies were documented in three different study area namely Human altered area, Agriculture area and scrub jungle area and the diversity of species were calculated by using Shannon–Weiner index. A comprehensive phylogeny is constructed to examine the origins and species diversity for Papilionidae, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Hesperiidae, since the phylogeny is the proposition, universally accepted in the scientific community, that plants or animals of different species descended from common ancestors. The habitat place major role for the abundance of the lepidopteron diversity.

DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2020.v1.i2a.13

Pages: 17-19 | Views: 1888 | Downloads: 820

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Acta Entomology and Zoology
How to cite this article:
Agnes Deepa A, Gunasekaran C, G Shobana. Abundance and Phylogeny of lepidopteran species in and around Karamadai area Coimbatore district Tamil Nadu South India. Acta Entomol Zool 2020;1(2):17-19. DOI: 10.33545/27080013.2020.v1.i2a.13

Acta Entomology and Zoology
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